CineVibezHQ: A Family of Newsletters

Hi, everybody! I’m Murray Mintz, the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the CineVibezHQ family of newsletters. Subscribe FOR FREE here:

CineVibez Fanzine provides you with the tools you'll need to find top-notch entertainment (and whatever sticks to the bottom of the barrel) without “assistance” from an algorithm. Don't worry, I will not waste time bashing AI. Instead, I’ll simply introduce you to some of the weirdest, wackiest stories to make it on film.

And don’t forget to add me on Letterboxd!

CineVibez HQ Links

Please feel free to share the CineVibezHQ family of newsletters with your friends, family and neighbors! Send it to your enemies, too. I don’t care!


Happy Watching!


Subscribe to CineVibez Fanzine

Where every movie has a vibe


CineVibez HQ Editor-in-Chief