Arch Nemesis HQ Recommendations

Blockbuster season is quickly approaching. The Flash, Transformers, Spiderman, and Indiana Jones open in June, so be sure to enjoy your last quiet weekend inside the theaters. There are a few options to fit a more relaxed vibe: You Hurt My Feelings and The Starling Girl. Check out our past reviews below:

I was surprised by the lack of attention The Starling Girl got at its Sundance premiere. It’s an honest, fair take on the damage caused by living the Fundamentalist Christian lifestyle. And Eliza Scanlon is great. But if you want to see her really shine, check out Sharp Objects on HBO. Wow - she is great in it.
If you can’t wait one week for all that sweet IP and content coming your way, the live action Little Mermaid is out in theaters now. Surprisingly, it has a 93% RT audience score. Before you get excited, I consider RT to be the most flawed rating system out there. Here’s a good recent summary on RT:
If you don’t leave the house this weekend, there’s plenty available for you to watch. I don’t mean to keep recommending TV Shows, but my wife was watching Bama Rush two nights ago, and I was half listening. I forgot how seriously fraternities and sororities take themselves. Again, I only saw bits and pieces of the show, but it sounded hilarious. If you roll your eyes everytime an old fraternity “brother” attempts to give you the super secret handshake, I think you’ll like Bama Rush. While I’m at it, Arch Nemesis is taking its first public position on a controversial topic: college is dumb, don’t go.
Another movie only streaming on Hoopla at the moment is Rosemary’s Baby. I’m embarrassed to say I never saw it until recently. Due to time constraints, I watched it in two parts, but what a great movie. I stopped the movie before anything was revealed on the first night, but the horror of having annoying neighbors still gave me nightmares. Are there any other good “Neighbors from Hell” movies out there? Sound off in the comments.
If you’re big on holidays, there are plenty of imperialism and military-themed movies streaming for you. Memorial Day was first celebrated in 1868 to tribute those lost in the Civil War. What a great name for war - is that the first time a euphemism was used? Anyway, here’s my list of the top movies related to Memorial Day:
Full Metal Jacket
Aguirre: The Wrath of God
Inglorious Bastards
Apocalypse Now
All Quiet on the Western Front
Dr. Strangelove
Good Morning Vietnam
Da 5 Bloods
The Deer Hunter
Born on the Fourth of July
I couldn’t stomach adding anything related to 9/11 or the Iraq War, so I apologize to the Marky Mark fans. Finally, Arch Nemesis HQ is running a Memorial Day Special! The first 10 subscribers to upgrade to paid memberships will receive a random item from the prize box. It’s grown considerably since our last contest, so expect fun prizes. I’ll reach out to the first 10 paid subscribers this weekend over email to get your info to send you your gift.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!