Cannes You Believe It?!
Welcome to another edition of Arch Nemesis! We took a month-long hiatus to catch up on new releases. Actually, that’s not true. I thought the writer strike applied to me, but I’ve been informed it doesn’t. However, I’m not going to rush to get reviews on new releases out. There’s millions of reviews already out there and you can always check my Letterboxd account for my latest watches. Instead, I’m going to take my time to provide a different take. This also means the essays will be sprinkled with spoilers. I’ll take appropriate measures to warn readers.
Over the next month or so, expect many recommendations and insights on film festivals, the box office, and the state of the industry as a whole. In fact, an in-depth review of Evil Dead Rise and its place in the franchise will arrive in your inboxes by Sunday. I thought it was one of the best theatrical experiences of the year. It’s crazy to think that we have Hollywood villain David Zaslav to thank for it.
Another upcoming newsletter will attempt to discuss Ari Aster’s divisive Beau is Afraid. I was lucky to catch it in theaters during its two-week run. I liked it, but I also relate to a lot of the film’s themes. I was interested in how Aster shot and edited the feeling of anxiety in comparison to how the Safdies do it. We’ll probably explore that in a future issue. And of course, paying subscribers will continue to receive weekly recommendations.
We’re in the midst of one of the most interesting Cannes festivals of late. Most people are talking about Johnny Depp’s return to theaters. The self-proclaimed hillbilly from Kentucky played King Louis XV in a very small role in Jeanne du Barry. He only has a few lines and he speaks said lines in French. Word on the street is that his attempt at a French accent is “acceptable.” What’s not acceptable is Depp’s disgusting teeth. As you can see, Depp has “loads of cavities” and a “rotten flesh stub” he cares deeply about. But that’s fine by Depp who would rather “swallow a tick” then go to the dentist. Hopefully, Depp will get a bigger role down the line he can better sink his remaining teeth into.
Early chatter out of Cannes suggests that Indy 5 is littered with Whedon-esque tongue-in-cheek dialogue I despise. Get ready for something like: “Nazis fly now!?! Nazis fly now! (Turns to audience) Here we go again!” I hope I’m wrong. And I thought nuking the fridge was cool.
If you want to watch along, I’m working my way through Criterion Channel’s 80’s Horror list. I just finished Dream Demon (1988). It’s a very British take on Nightmare on Elm Street where Freddy is replaced with a member of the paparazzi. If Megan Markle wants to annoy the royal family some more, she could have a lot of fun starring in a remake.